2009年12月31日 星期四


From sina:


芝加哥供應管理協會(Institute for Supply Management-Chicago)報告表明,美國12月芝加哥採購經理人指數(PMI)攀升至60%,比分析師所作的最好預期還要高,並且創造了2006年1月以來最高水平。該指數高於50%則表明製造業活動有所擴張,低於50%則表明製造業活動萎縮。




就業分項指數攀升至51.2%,創2007年11月——即經濟衰退發生前一個月——以來新高。 .....


  • S&P/Case-Shiller公佈之美國10月份20大城市房價指數,經季節性調整後較9月份上升0.4%,為連續第5個月上升。

  • 對比去年同期,10月份美國10大城市與20大城市房價分別下跌6.4%、7.3%,若與2006年4月房價高峰相比,跌幅為30%。

  • 10大及20大城市指數目前約回到2003年秋季的水平,從2006年Q2高峰至2009/4谷底,二指數分別下跌33.5%及32.6%。

  • 在過去幾個月房價持續改善後,10月份的10大及20大房價指數分別較高峰下跌29.8%及29%。

2009年12月27日 星期日

12/26 - 當週經濟數據彙整

• U.S. data indicate recovery gaining momentum
• US $ rallies on solid data


2009年12月24日 星期四


  • 美國商務部(Commerce Department)週三公佈的數據顯示﹐美國11月份個人收入較上月增長0.4%﹐個人支出增長0.5%。一項關鍵價格指標顯示﹐美國眼下未面臨通貨膨脹威脅。

  • 美國11月份不包括食品和能源的核心個人消費支出價格指數(PCE)較上年同期上升1.4%﹐10月份升幅同樣為1.4%。 11月份核心PCE與10月份持平。

  • 11月份PCE較10月份上升0.2%﹐10月份升幅為0.3%。11月份PCE較上年同期上升1.5%﹐10月份升幅為0.1%。

  • 11月份的消費者開支環比增長了0.5%,年化數字達到10.2萬億美元。10月份的消費者開支環比增幅為0.6%。

  • 報告表明,11月份美國通貨膨脹壓力和緩。11月的消費價格指數環比增長了0.2%,扣除食品與能源因素不計的核心價格指數持平。對比去年同期,今年11月份的消費者價格指數同比增長了1.5%,核心消費者價格指數同比增長了1.4%。

  • 11月份個人儲蓄佔可支配收入的比例與上個月持平於4.7%。


  • 美國商務部公佈,11月新屋銷售數字較10月份下降了11.3%,經過季節性調整後的銷售量年化數字降至35.5萬幢。

  • 今天的數據表明,美國11月新屋銷售數字已下降至4月份以來的最低水平。11月新屋銷售數字下降的原因是政府為購房者提供的稅項優惠政策本已接近結束所致。

  • 美國政府的這項優惠政策原定於2009年11月30日結束,但此後奧巴馬政府又將該計劃最後期限延長至2010年6月份,並且擴大了該項政策的受惠者範圍,將非首次購房者也納入其中。

  • 對比去年同期,今年11月份美國的新屋銷售數字同比下降了9%。

  • 按照11月份的新屋銷售速率計算,美國11月份的新屋庫存量需要7.9個月才能售完。10月份的相應數據為7.2個月。


  • 美國11月份成屋銷量增幅高於預期﹐因稅收優惠政策和低房價戰勝了購房者對就業市場的擔憂。

  • 美國全國地產經紀商協會(National Association of Realtors)週二公佈﹐美國11月份成屋銷量增加7.4%﹐折合成年率為654萬套﹐10月份折合成年率的銷量為609萬套。

  • 成屋存量繼續下降。房屋價格下跌﹐但跌幅創兩年來最低水平。

  • 全國地產經紀商協會經濟學家Lawrence Yun表示﹐很明顯﹐許多首次購房者趕在8,000美元的稅收優惠策結束前買房。

  • 11月份成屋銷量較上年同期增加44.1%。10月份銷量修正後為增加9.9%﹐初步數據為增加10.1%。

  • 聯邦住房貸款抵押公司(Freddie Mac, 簡稱﹕房地美)的數據顯示﹐11月份30年期住房抵押貸款平均利率為4.88%﹐低於10月份的4.95%。

  • 11月份成屋售價中值為172,600美元﹐較上年同期的180,300美元下降4.3%﹐是2007年11月下降4.1%以來成屋售價中值的最小降幅。

  • 截至11月底的待售成屋存量下降1.3%﹐至352萬套。庫存空置指標為6.5個月﹐創近3年來的最低水平﹐10月份為7.0個月。

2009年12月18日 星期五

12/12- Initial Claims

  • 美國勞工部(Labor Department)週四發佈的報告顯示,經季節性因素調整後,截至12月12日當週首次申請失業救濟人數增加7,000人,至480,000人。

  • 首次申請失業救濟人數的四週移動平均值較此前一週減少5,250人,至467,500人,為連續第十五週下降。並創下了2008年9月以來的新低 。

  • 截至12月5日當週持續申請失業救濟人數增加5,000人,至5,186,000人。

  • 截至12月5日當週,未經季節性因素調整,紐約州首次申請失業救濟人數的增幅最大,達16,344人﹐主要受建築業、服務業及運輸業裁員影響。

11月份LEI 連續第8個月上升

  • 由美國商務部(Conference Board)所公佈,11月份經濟領先指標增長0.9%,為連續第八個月上漲,並高於2007/7的高點,顯示著2010年的經濟狀況有望進一步改善。

  • 過去六個月領先指標年化增長率9.6%,相較2008/11-2009/4的年化成長2.4%仍是呈現穩定的成長。

  • 11月的同時經濟指標增長0.2%。10月該指數環比無變化。自今年六月以來這一指數基本持平,這表明美國經濟的復甦勢頭很微弱,雖然政府發佈的數據顯示第三季美國GDP的年化增幅達3.5%。

  • 同時指標中的非農就業人數本月份持平,此項目為自2007/12月以來首次未對指數造成負貢獻,此顯示了近期就業市場的改善。

  • 11月經濟領先指標的10個子項目中,有6項為正貢獻。依序分別是:利差、股價、首次申領失業補助人數、製造業平均工時、貨幣供給和營建許可。

  • 3項為負貢獻之指標分別是:消費者預期、交貨時間和資本設備訂單。消費者產品新訂單指數持平。


2009年12月17日 星期四

FOMC Statement

美聯儲在結束為期兩天的利率會議後宣佈,維持0-0.25%的基準利率區間不變。此舉符合市場的普遍預期。美聯儲(Fed)週三的會後聲明要點整理如下:(FOMC Press Release)

  • 依據11月份的資料顯示,經濟活動持續回升,勞動市場惡化的情況也獲改善。 企業在用人及固定投資上仍是緊縮狀態。

  • 房市及家計單位的支出,雖然在經濟成長緩慢及就業市場較弱的情況下,近幾個月仍顯示改善跡象。

  • 金融市場狀況的改善則進一步支撐了經濟的成長。

  • 即使經濟活動仍持弱一段時間,但在各種政策的支持下,將能使資源的使用進一步提升。

  • 在目前資源使用率低、長期通膨受抑制及穩定的通膨預期下,低利率仍將持續一段時間

  • 在退場機制上:為了能讓市場更平滑的過渡,FED對於市場流動性的支持將逐步放慢,並如先前規劃的幾項借貸計畫於2010Q1前執行完畢,但也保留修改這些計劃的彈性,以幫助支持金融穩定和經濟增長。


  • 美國商務部週三公佈,經季節性因素調整後,11月份新屋開工數較上月增加8.9%,折合成年率為574,000套。相較去年同期則仍下降12.4%。

  • 11月份的新屋開工數較4月份479,000套的低點增加了20%。

  • 11月份建築許可增加6.0%﹐折合成年率為584,000套。10月份建築許可為下降4.2%﹐至551,000套。

  • 11月份建築許可、單戶型住宅和多戶型住宅的新屋開工數均有所上升。 11月份單戶型住宅新屋開工數較前月增加2.1%﹐至482,000套。

  • 依地區來看,南部地區新屋開工數增加12.3%,東北部地區新屋開工數增加16.4%﹐中西部地區增加3.0%﹐西部地區增加1.9%。

  • 11月份新屋開工數增幅高於預期,反轉上月大幅下滑的頹勢,主因建築商對新住宅需求的復甦作出謹慎回應。

11月份 PPI v.s. CPI

From wsj:


美國勞工部(Labor Department)週二稱﹐經季節性因素調整後﹐11月份製成品生產者價格指數(PPI)較上月上升1.8%。10月份PPI上升0.3%﹐未作修正。

此前接受道瓊斯通訊社(Dow Jones Newswires)調查的經濟學家預計﹐11月份PPI上升1.0%。


Jones Newswires)調查的經濟學家上升0.2%的預期高出一倍多。

週二公佈的數據顯示﹐11月份能源價格上升6.9%﹐10月份升幅為1.6%。能源價格上漲主要受到汽油、取暖油和液化石油氣價格上漲的推動。 ......


......美國勞工部(Labor Department)週三表示﹐受能源價格上漲推動﹐11月份經季節性因素調整後的CPI升幅為0.4%﹐10月份升幅為0.3%


接受道瓊斯通訊社(Dow Jones Newswires)調查的經濟學家們之前預計﹐11月份CPI將上升0.4%﹐核心CPI升幅為0.1%。


受汽油、電力、燃油及天然氣價格上漲推動﹐11月份能源價格指數升幅創歷月來第四高水平﹐同時創8月份以來最高水平。 ......

2009年12月16日 星期三


  • 美聯儲公佈11月美國製造業、礦業和公用事業的整體產出環比增長0.8%,其中製造業產出環比增1.1%,明顯好於10月的下滑0.2%。

  • 11月產能利用率由10月的70.6%增至71.3%,這一數字主要用於衡量經濟的活躍程度。過去20年中美國產能利用率的均值為80%。閒置產能較高是經濟學家預計通脹將維持在低水平的一個重要理由。

  • 礦業的產出也實現環比上漲,而公用事業的產出因天氣較為溫和而下降。全球銷售狀況的改善和庫存下降正促使福特汽車等大型企業加快裝配線的生產,這給了11月的工業產出以有力推動。但是,迄今工業產出的升溫還未促進就業增長。

  • 赫爾曼預測公司的首席經濟學家約翰-赫爾曼(John Herrmann)表示:“我們正看到工業增加產出來滿足消費者需求和商業開支的增長。企業已開始更快速地增加庫存,這意味著未來的產出可能更快速增長。”

  • 美聯儲的報告還顯示,11月製造業產出的環比增幅創下三個月新高,其中商業設備產出增長0.4%,電腦和電子產品產出亦上漲0.4%,汽車及其部件產出大幅增長1.8%,扭轉了上個月下滑1.8%的頹勢。 (source:sina)


  • 12月份美國住宅建築商信心指數出現下降,因潛在購房者在勞動力市場疲軟的情況下不願購房。

  • 美國全國住房建築商協會(NAHB)公佈的12月份住房市場信心指數下降1點至16,創6月份以來最低水平。

  • 12月份的數據顯示,若依各區來看,則建築商對各區房市存在不同的觀點,對東北地區住宅銷售的信心最強,對中西部地區的信心最低。

  • 下圖:比較單戶的新屋開工(資料至10月)與NAHB HMI(至12月)二者之走勢。

  • 圖形顯示二者間的走勢大多時間存在相同的方向。

  • 因而若預期新屋開工會有快速的反彈恐將認人失望,這也代表引領經濟的住房投資很難在短期內回升,亦代表經濟的爬升力道仍將疲弱。

2009年12月12日 星期六

12/12 - 當週經濟數據彙整

• Fed Chairman Bernanke warns that the economy still has “some way to go before we can be assured that the recovery will be selfsustaining”
• TARP extended to October 2010

• Strong November data
• Will stick to proactive fiscal and loose monetary policies
• Taxes raised on small car purchase



中國國家統計局發佈之11月份主要經濟數據,其中11月份工業增加值較去年同期增長19.2%;CPI較去年同期上升0.6%,實現10個月來首次上升;金融機構新發放人民幣貸款2,948億元,高於10月份的人民幣2,530億元 。














OECD 領先指標顯示經濟持續復甦

OECD 發佈10月份成員經濟體領先指標升至101.4﹐9月份為100.4。 全球經濟復甦信號越來越清晰,主要發達及發展中國家經濟明顯處於復甦中。




七大工業國(Group of Seven)所有成員國10月份領先指標均高於上年同期,清晰地表明這些國家經濟均處於復甦中。 (wsj)

link to OECD report


From wsj:
美聯儲(Federal Reserve)週四報告顯示﹐第三季度美國人資產淨值連續第二個季度上升。這說明美國消費者朝著購買力的恢復邁出了重要一步。




巴克萊資本(Barclays Capital)經濟學家梅耶(Michelle Meyer)表示﹐從總體上來看﹐報告鼓舞人心﹐顯示出家庭正在修復資產負債表﹐從而為將來的消費支出提供支持。







  • 由美國商務部公佈之11月的零售銷售額超預期增長1.3%,這是過去四個月中該數字第三次環比上漲。11月零售銷售的增幅創下今年8月以來新高,8月的環比增幅為2.4%。

  • 若不計增長1.6%的汽車銷售,11月的零售銷售環比上漲1.2%,漲幅創今年1月以來新高。

  • 過去一年中零售銷售增長1.9%,這是2008年8月以來的首次同比增長。出色的零售銷售報告增強了市場對美國經濟正以良好狀態擺脫衰退的判斷。但是,一些經濟學家指出,經濟仍面臨源自信貸緊縮和高失業率的重大阻力。

  • 11月各類零售機構的銷售額普遍上漲,其中包括汽車店、加油站、百貨店和五金店等,僅有服裝和傢具店的銷售額環比下滑。

  • 汽油零售額環比增6%,為整體數據的攀升做出了重要貢獻,6%的增幅創下今年6月以來新高。

  • 若不計加油站的銷售,11月的零售銷售將增長0.8%。不計汽油和汽車的零售銷售環比增0.6%。



Naroff經濟咨詢公司的總裁喬伊-納諾夫(Joel Naroff)表示:“看來美國家庭花錢並沒有我們想像的那樣吝嗇。”根據近來發佈的多個經濟數據判斷,經濟學家很可能調升對第四季度GDP增長率的預期。

2009年12月11日 星期五


  • 10月的貿易赤字縮減7.6%至329億美元,主要來自出口額的增速超過進口額的增速。

  • 10月份出口在美元疲弱的影響下,上升至1,368億美元,同期進口額為1,698億美元。10月份進、出口分別較9月份增加35億和7億美元。

  • 10月美國出口增長2.5%,已連續6個月增長,主要原因來自美元的疲軟。

  • 截至10月底,美國今年的貿易赤字總計3,040億美元,明顯低於去年同期的6,108億美元。巴黎銀行的經濟學家認為,隨著美國工業產出和貿易活動逐步恢復正常,貿易赤字的改善勢頭可能會逆轉。

  • 下圖:至2009年10月美國進出口月資料。

  • 進、出口在10月份都呈現增長;相較去年同期進、出口則分別下滑19%、9%。

  • 下圖:分別呈現美國貿易赤字(blue line) 、原油赤字(black line) 及不含原油之赤字(red line)

  • 10月份的進口油價些微下滑至$67.39,只是仍較2月份的$39.22增加了50%。油價在連續7個月上升後,10月份呈現下滑。

12/5- Initial Claims

  • 美國勞工部(Labor Department)週四公佈的報告顯示,截至12/8美國首次申請失業給付人數增加17,000 人,至474,000人。

  • 而較為平滑的首次申請失業給付人數四週平均值則從481,500人減少至473,750萬人,創下自截至2008年9月27日當周以來的最低水平。表明在經濟復甦的形勢下,就業市場的情況持續改善中。。

  • 截至11/28當週持續申請失業給付人數減少303,000人,至5,160,000人。

  • 勞工部一名經濟學家說,每年此時,首次請領失業給付人數多見上揚,因為感恩節後一周的人數通常會增加,而且建築業通常在此時裁員,"這通常是一年中增幅最高的時候,今年也不例外"。

2009年12月10日 星期四

Hedge fund titan Paulson bullish on bonds

From Reuters: Hedge fund titan Paulson bullish on bonds

Paulson revealed about his investments: BULLISH ON CREDIT With $19 billion of cash on hand at the end of 2008,Paulson said he poured money into a wide range of fixed-income securities, convinced collapsing mortgage and credit markets had reached their nadir at the end of 2008. As of Nov. 30 this year, Paulson's Advantage Fund spread its bets in the following credit markets:

Leveraged corporate loans - 19 percent
Mortgage-backed securities - 28 percent
Defaulted bonds - 21 percent
Current-pay bonds - 30 percent
Debtor-in-Possession credit - 2 percent STOCKS

* Net long exposure to equities is "as high as at its ever been"
* Calls Bank of America Corp (BAC.N), HeidelbergCement AG (HEIG.DE) and Comcast Corp (CMCSA.O) "great buys"
* Bullish on gold bullion ETFs as a hedge against inflation and remains worried about U.S. stimulus spending fueling weakened dollar and price inflation

Paulson said buying significant positions in the debt of distressed and bankrupt companies, with the goal of receiving equity through the process of financial restructuring, is a top focus these days for his funds. In his speech, he said he has positions in the following companies:
Washington Mutual. General .Growth Properties Idearc . DexMed CIT Group.Visteon Lehman Brothers .Lear Nortel. Babcock & Brown Delphi . Lyondell FairPoint Communications . AbitibiBowater R.H. Donnelly Corp . Capmark Financial Group

At the end of November Paulson & Co managed:
* $4.3 billion in merger-arbitrage strategies
* $18.8 billion in event-arbitrage strategies
* $8.2 billion in credit strategies * $1.7 billion in its Recovery Fund

* Since 1994 inception, Paulson has generated a net compound annual growth rate of 16.4 percent
* Only one losing year in that 15-year span - 1998 (Reporting by Joseph A. Giannone; editing by Andre Grenon)

Related news : Hedge fund manager Paulson buying stocks

HF Assets increased to $2.037tln

  • 根據HFN所公佈之11月HF績效,在新資金流入及績效成長下,HF的資產重新站回2兆美元。而上次達2兆美元的資產總額是在2008/11月。只是目前相較於2008年Q2的高峰仍少了9000億美元。

  • 11月份來自投資者之新資金流入為263億美元,由績效增加而增長的資產有405億美元。這也是連續第7個月投資者資金呈現淨流入。

  • 11月份HFN Hedge Fund Aggregate指數上升2.03%(+18.66% YTD).

From Opalesque: HFN released early estimates for November performance and asset flows.


  • Hedge fund assets passed the $2 trillion mark in November driven both by performance and new allocations.
  • Total assets increased 3.39% to $2.037 trillion. Assets were last above $2 trillion in November 2008.
  • Investors allocated $26.3 billion to hedge funds in November, performance increased assets an additional $40.5 billion
  • Investor flows were positive in November for the 7th consecutive month.
  • During the 7 months of consecutive investor inflows, $119.91 billion has been allocated to hedge funds.
  • The Core Growth Rate (% increase in assets due solely to investor flows) increased to 1.33% November. The rate of growth has risen two consecutive months.
  • Hedge fund assets are still $900 billion below the peak set in Q2 2008.

Hedge fund performance was positive in November, driven by commodity focused strategies and emerging markets. Equity long/short strategies appeared conservatively positioned, underperforming the S&P by more than 450 basis points.

  • The HFN Hedge Fund Aggregate Index was +2.03% in November and +18.66% YTD.
Details from November:


  • Fixed income investments outpaced equities in November, after lagging the two prior months.
  • Investments in commodity strategies were in line with overall industry growth.
  • Flows to corporate bond related strategies turned slightly negative in November.
  • Fixed income arbitrage strategies had the fastest rate of inflow in November.
  • Allocations into emerging markets slowed for the second straight month, but were in line with overall industry growth. (cont'd on performance)

2009年12月9日 星期三

Investing summed up in two words: emerging markets.







*未來的投資可以歸納為二個字"emerging markets"。

From Opalesque: Global assets managers are confident emerging markets will continue to deliver into 2010

Three leading global asset managers expressed confidence that emerging markets will continue to deliver on the upside in 2010 and forecasted an encouraging future for emerging markets asset classes.

Batterymarch Financial Management, an affiliate of UK-based asset manager Legg Mason which manages $703bn, said they expect a large portion of global growth would be driven by Asia and other emerging markets. The firm added that the Chinese economic activity, supported by improvement in the US, would be key to the economic environment. Overall, Asian markets continue to offer better than expected earnings growth than most developed markets, as well as solid profitability. Furthermore, earnings estimate revisions are rising across Asia and are positive across the region as analysts look through to future recovery.

Ray Prasad, Batterymarch Financial Management, said on Asia-Pacific equities: "Over the shorter term, Asian markets appear to be entering an environment where outperformance may shift amongst sectors, sometimes sharply, with the potential for meaningful corrections within sectors from time to time, but with little damage to the asset class as a whole. In the long term, the combination of attractive valuations, superior growth prospects and solid balance sheets at the sovereign, corporate and household level, means we are confident in the capacity of Asian markets to perform well.'

Another UK-based asset manager, Mirae Asset, which has $56bn in AuM, believes in emerging market growth. Regional chief investment officer for Asia Pacific Wilfred Sit said that high quality stocks showing sustainable growth, combined with a focus on Asia's huge domestic markets including those driven by consumer demand, would be the key Asian investment themes for 2010.

He said that China, India and Indonesia would lead the pack due to their huge domestic markets and added that as central banks continue to diversify away from the weak US dollar, Asian equities have emerged as a key beneficiary together with property and gold.

Booth said that given the risk of a double dip and further sharp deleveraging, emerging market asset classes are now safer than their equivalents in developed countries. Emerging countries have a wide range of policy tools to cope with further external shocks or other economic problems. He added that a number of East Asian economies in particular will have to move to a more domestic demand driven model of growth in future. The main prompt for Asian currency appreciation is likely to be inflationary pressure associated with their strong V-shaped recovery.

Booth made the same outlook for emerging markets in October when he advised investors to rethink their view of the world and their asset allocations and risk. Two months ago, he said the future of investing could be summed up in two words: emerging markets.

Credit Suisse/Tremont HF Index Posts +2.29% in November

Credit Suisse/Tremont Hedge Fund Index 11月份初估上漲2.27%。其中Global Macro上漲3.93%,展現了今年來最佳的一個月;Managed Futures中的趨勢追隨策略在做多股市、商品市場及做空債券下,有4.59%的獲利。

Early estimates indicate the Credit Suisse/Tremont Hedge Fund Index (“Broad Index”) will finish up +2.29% in November (based on 71%of assets reporting).

Hedge funds regained momentum in November following October’s muted returns. A number of Global Macro quant funds had their best month of the year which helped make up some of their losses in the second and third quarters. Gains came mainly from long positions in equities and gold as well as from bullish views on US and UK bonds. The USD carry trade remained popular among Global Macro managers as the Reserve Bank of Australia raised its rates for the second month by 25 bps to 3.75%, while the US Federal Reserve is expected to keep rates near zero for some time. Trend followers in the Managed Futures sector were able to regain traction in November after a difficult October, while high frequency traders had mixed results, particularly in FX where volatility in a number of currencies created some sharp reversals. The trend followers generally profited from being long equities, commodities and short term bonds.

Event Driven was among the best performing strategies for the month, with performance contributors coming from profits being taken on distressed structured credit bonds that were bought on valuation plus cash flow bases earlier in the year, and long corporate exposures with a focus on idiosyncratic events. Many managers have been seeking to reduce risk by putting on more hedges, particularly on credit positions that have shown high correlations to equities.

Fixed Income Arbitrage funds had a fairly neutral month as many managers also continued reducing risk, and there were no major performance outliers on the positive or negative side.
Strategy Estimates
(Click on graph for larger image in new window.)

2009年12月7日 星期一

Hedge Fund News

From Asia Investor: How hedge funds can get on Goldman Sachs' approved list (source)

Hong Kong-based Tuan Lam has managerial oversight in the alternative investments and manager selection group at Goldman Sachs Asset Management in Asia. Goldman Sachs' global platform consists of three integrated businesses: funds of private equity funds, funds of hedge funds and funds of long-only funds.


What type of hedge fund managers, strategies and locations, interest you for 2010?
In alternatives, investors are migrating back into hedge funds but have not yet jumped in a big way back into the more illiquid strategies, such as private equity. The strategies that are attracting the most interest in Asia are the long-biased ones, not just equity long/short but also event-driven long-biased strategies.

Beyond that, we are also seeing some credit strategy funds getting launched.

Having said that, investors are still cautious about strategies that require high levels of leverage; managers are also generally focused on strategies that can create returns without lots of leverage. Managers are likely to focus on fundamental analysis to identify company-specific, as opposed to deal structure-specific, drivers of returns.

Is the story in Asia the same as globally?
This year in Asia, similar to what we see globally, there will likely be less of a "crowding effect" around some of the strategies, thereby creating more room to drive returns. We also believe managers will be more focused on risk management, downside protection and transparency.

Another important thing to note is that many of the newer funds currently in the market to raise capital are run by experienced investors, who may have been with larger franchises and saw the lessons of 2008.

What important things can a fund do to get on your approved list?
In talking to managers, we spend a lot of time on the basic elements: the team's capabilities, investment strategy, reputation, track record, etc. We also are very focused on another very important aspect, operational due diligence.

In performing operational due diligence, they focus on making sure the fund managers have put in place a list of core, basic operational elements; they also focus on a wide range of qualitative issues. This capability has helped us avoid some of the well known fraud issues in the US. It's going to continue to be an area of focus for us.

Currently many investors are looking for managers who didn't get crushed in 2008 and have been able to participate in the 2009 upturn. If they maintained low net exposure and missed the upturn in 2009, then we focus on understanding their rationale for the strategy and the positions.

If these are well-thought out and are based on sound analysis, our guess is that investors don't necessarily rule the managers out only because of 2009 relative performance.


What is your outlook for 2010?
In hedge funds, we are seeing interest in various long-biased strategies to address the growth themes. Clients are also focused on newer funds which are run by experienced managers who did relatively well in 2008 and 2009, who are focused on risk management and providing higher levels of transparency.

12/5- 當週經濟數據彙整

*Wide swath of positives in November jobs report
*Beige Book more upbeat

*ECB on hold, slowly exiting its emergency liquidity provisions (no final exit strategy announced yet)

*RBA hikes rates for the 3rd straight month (+25 bps to 3.75%)


2009年12月5日 星期六


  • 11月份美國非農就業人數僅下降11,000人﹐大幅低於10月份經向下修正後的降幅111,000人,失業率自10月的10.2%降至10%,表明隨著經濟的復甦,使得企業裁員人數大幅下降

  • 11月份是就業數據自2007年12月份以來最好的一次,當時就業人數增加了120,000人。

  • 此前接受道瓊斯通訊社(Dow Jones Newswires)調查的經濟學家預計11月份非農就業人數下降125,000人。

  • 11月份服務業就業人數增加58,000人。但製造業及建築業就業人數分別減少41,000人和27,000人。

  • 在過去一年來,整個經濟體共減少了480萬個工作,而自過去23個月以來,失業人數已增加了720萬人。

  • 下圖:自就業衰退起之工作減損情況。

  • 本輪衰退就業市場的巔峰在2007/12,而就業衰退速度在開始時速度較為緩慢。

  • 然而於今年年初工作喪失情況開始遽升,就工作喪失的百分比看,本次衰退是WWII後最糟的情況。

2009年12月4日 星期五

11/28 - Initial Claims

  • 美國勞工部(Labor Department)週四公佈的報告顯示,截至11/28美國首次申請失業給付人數減少5,000 人,至457,000人。 為2008/9/6以來最低水平,也是11月以來首次申請失業救濟人數連續第二週處於500,000人以下水平。此外,首次申請失業救濟人數並為連續第五週下降。

  • 截至11/28當週首次申請失業給付人數的四週平均值減少14,250人,至 481,250人。該數字是自2008/11以來最低水平。

  • 截至11/21當週持續申請失業給付人數增加28,000人,至5,465,000人。

From dshoart: Four Bad Bear Market update(12/3/2009)

  • The S&P 500 closed the day down 0.84%. The index is 62.6% above the March 9th close, which is 29.7% below the peak in October 2007.


From sina:

美國供應管理協會(Institute for Supply Management)週四報告稱,今年11月份美國非製造業活動指數在連續兩個月攀升之後再度萎縮。


ISM機構非製造業調查報告委員會主席安東尼-尼夫斯(Anthony Nieves)表示,“受訪者對商業狀況的評估仍然非常謹慎,他們普遍對經濟復甦能否持續較長時間感到擔心。”






2009年12月2日 星期三

More on PMI



  • ..2009年11月, 中国物流与采购联合会(CFLP)中国制造业采购经理指数(PMI)为55.2%,同上月持平。

  • ..本月20个行业中,只有造纸印刷及文教体育用品制造业、石油加工及炼焦业、饮料制造业3个行业低于50%,其余17个行业均高于50%,尤其以烟草制品业、服装鞋帽制造及皮毛羽绒制品业为最高,达到60%以上。

  • 从产品类型看,原材料与能源、中间品、生活消费品和生产用制成品类企业均高于50%,其中生产用制成品类企业最高,达到55%以上。( source:CFLP)


  • 由Markit集團公佈的11月製造業PMI指數,從10月的50.7上升至51.2,達20個月的新高,顯示歐元區經濟可望在第3、4季都能連續維持增長。

  • 子項目中新訂單及產出都呈現過去2年來最快的升速,但就業指數仍相當疲弱。

  • 歐元區的成長主要由德國、法國所帶動;西班牙與希臘則持續處於衰退狀態。(source:Markit Economics)


  • 由Markit集團公佈的英國11月製造業PMI指數,從10月的53.4下滑至51.8,雖仍位於顯示擴張的50以上,但資料顯示製造業仍有可能因為庫存回補結束,而再次下挫。

  • 在子項目中,生產及新訂單持續增長,但速度減緩;就業仍處於一年半來的最低水平;產年價格則是10個月來首次的上升。(source:Markit Economics)

11月份PMI at 53.6%

From sina:



ISM調查委員會的負責人諾伯特-沃爾(Norbert Ore)表示:“雖然增長速度低於10月的水平,但製造業保持增長令人鼓舞,新訂單和產出數字都處於很有利的位置,與此同時價格指數下跌了10個百分點,這意味著製造商成本的通脹壓力更低了。整體而言,製造業的復甦仍在持續,但依據製造企業的評論來看,許多企業仍在艱難前行。”
