2009年12月10日 星期四

HF Assets increased to $2.037tln

  • 根據HFN所公佈之11月HF績效,在新資金流入及績效成長下,HF的資產重新站回2兆美元。而上次達2兆美元的資產總額是在2008/11月。只是目前相較於2008年Q2的高峰仍少了9000億美元。

  • 11月份來自投資者之新資金流入為263億美元,由績效增加而增長的資產有405億美元。這也是連續第7個月投資者資金呈現淨流入。

  • 11月份HFN Hedge Fund Aggregate指數上升2.03%(+18.66% YTD).

From Opalesque: HFN released early estimates for November performance and asset flows.


  • Hedge fund assets passed the $2 trillion mark in November driven both by performance and new allocations.
  • Total assets increased 3.39% to $2.037 trillion. Assets were last above $2 trillion in November 2008.
  • Investors allocated $26.3 billion to hedge funds in November, performance increased assets an additional $40.5 billion
  • Investor flows were positive in November for the 7th consecutive month.
  • During the 7 months of consecutive investor inflows, $119.91 billion has been allocated to hedge funds.
  • The Core Growth Rate (% increase in assets due solely to investor flows) increased to 1.33% November. The rate of growth has risen two consecutive months.
  • Hedge fund assets are still $900 billion below the peak set in Q2 2008.

Hedge fund performance was positive in November, driven by commodity focused strategies and emerging markets. Equity long/short strategies appeared conservatively positioned, underperforming the S&P by more than 450 basis points.

  • The HFN Hedge Fund Aggregate Index was +2.03% in November and +18.66% YTD.
Details from November:


  • Fixed income investments outpaced equities in November, after lagging the two prior months.
  • Investments in commodity strategies were in line with overall industry growth.
  • Flows to corporate bond related strategies turned slightly negative in November.
  • Fixed income arbitrage strategies had the fastest rate of inflow in November.
  • Allocations into emerging markets slowed for the second straight month, but were in line with overall industry growth. (cont'd on performance)

