2009年12月7日 星期一

Hedge Fund News

From Asia Investor: How hedge funds can get on Goldman Sachs' approved list (source)

Hong Kong-based Tuan Lam has managerial oversight in the alternative investments and manager selection group at Goldman Sachs Asset Management in Asia. Goldman Sachs' global platform consists of three integrated businesses: funds of private equity funds, funds of hedge funds and funds of long-only funds.


What type of hedge fund managers, strategies and locations, interest you for 2010?
In alternatives, investors are migrating back into hedge funds but have not yet jumped in a big way back into the more illiquid strategies, such as private equity. The strategies that are attracting the most interest in Asia are the long-biased ones, not just equity long/short but also event-driven long-biased strategies.

Beyond that, we are also seeing some credit strategy funds getting launched.

Having said that, investors are still cautious about strategies that require high levels of leverage; managers are also generally focused on strategies that can create returns without lots of leverage. Managers are likely to focus on fundamental analysis to identify company-specific, as opposed to deal structure-specific, drivers of returns.

Is the story in Asia the same as globally?
This year in Asia, similar to what we see globally, there will likely be less of a "crowding effect" around some of the strategies, thereby creating more room to drive returns. We also believe managers will be more focused on risk management, downside protection and transparency.

Another important thing to note is that many of the newer funds currently in the market to raise capital are run by experienced investors, who may have been with larger franchises and saw the lessons of 2008.

What important things can a fund do to get on your approved list?
In talking to managers, we spend a lot of time on the basic elements: the team's capabilities, investment strategy, reputation, track record, etc. We also are very focused on another very important aspect, operational due diligence.

In performing operational due diligence, they focus on making sure the fund managers have put in place a list of core, basic operational elements; they also focus on a wide range of qualitative issues. This capability has helped us avoid some of the well known fraud issues in the US. It's going to continue to be an area of focus for us.

Currently many investors are looking for managers who didn't get crushed in 2008 and have been able to participate in the 2009 upturn. If they maintained low net exposure and missed the upturn in 2009, then we focus on understanding their rationale for the strategy and the positions.

If these are well-thought out and are based on sound analysis, our guess is that investors don't necessarily rule the managers out only because of 2009 relative performance.


What is your outlook for 2010?
In hedge funds, we are seeing interest in various long-biased strategies to address the growth themes. Clients are also focused on newer funds which are run by experienced managers who did relatively well in 2008 and 2009, who are focused on risk management and providing higher levels of transparency.

