2009年10月10日 星期六


經濟合作與發展組織(Economic Cooperation and Development;OECD))於10/9發佈8月份的領先指標. 該指標衡量OECD 30個成員經濟體之經濟活動. 從7月份的97.78上升至99.2﹐連續第六個月上升. 也顯示全球主要發達國家之經濟體於本次金融風暴後, 目前正逐步復甦實現增長.

OECD composite leading indicators provide stronger signs of recovery :

The CLI for the OECD area increased by 1.5 point in August 2009 and was 0.6 point higher than in August 2008. The CLI for the United States increased by 1.6 point in August, 1.6 point lower than a year ago. The Euro area’s CLI increased by 1.7 point in August, 4.1 points higher than a year ago. The CLI for Japan increased by 1.3 point in August, 3.9 points lower than a year ago.

The CLI for the United Kingdom increased by 1.6 point in August 2009 and was 1.7 point higher than a year ago.

The CLI for China increased 1.5 point in July 2009, 0.7 point lower than a year ago (unchanged). The CLI for India increased by 0.9 point in August, 0.1 point higher than a year ago. The CLI for Russia increased by 1.1 point in August, 10.2 points lower than a year ago. The CLI for Brazil increased by 0.4 point in August, 8.5 points lower than a year ago.

