2009年10月21日 星期三


  • 美國商務部公佈之9月份新屋開工及建築許可增幅小於市場預期,因刺激購房需求的政府扺稅額計劃已接近尾聲。

  • 9月份新屋開工數經季節調整後,年化數字為59萬幢,較上月減少0.5%,相較去年同期仍減少28.2%。

  • 單戶型住宅建築開工9月份小幅增加3.9%,抵消了多戶式住宅開工大幅減少對整體數字的影響。

  • 9月份建築許可年化數字573,000幢,較8月份減少1.2%,較去年同期則下滑28.9%。

U.S. Census Bureau report on housing Permits, Starts and Completio

Privately-owned housing units authorized by building permits in September were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 573,000.
This is 1.2 percent (±1.8%)* below the revised August rate of 580,000 and is 28.9 percent (±2.2%) below the September 2008 estimate of 806,000.
Single-family authorizations in September were at a rate of 450,000; this is 3.0 percent (±1.0%) below the revised August figure of 464,000.
Privately-owned housing starts in September were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 590,000. This is 0.5 percent (±9.9%)* above the revised August estimate of 587,000, but is 28.2 percent (±6.7%) below the September 2008 rate of 822,000.
Single-family housing starts in September were at a rate of 501,000; this is 3.9 percent (±9.3%)* above the revised August figure of 482,000. The September rate for units in buildings with five units or more was 78,000.

