2009年11月17日 星期二

John Paulson's Hedge Fund Position Updates

From Seeking Alpha:

According to SEC filings by Paulson & Co. on Friday, billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson has increased his position in Citigroup (C) to $1.4 billion dollars, roughly 300 million shares. Paulson's firm has an average cost of $4.84/sh on the holding. Citigroup made a positive move in after hours trading on Friday after the filing had been reported. Shares traded up 2.75% to $4.16/sh.

These recent hedge fund positions are based on the 13F filed by Paulson & Co. on 11/13/09 (which includes positions held as of 9/30/09). According to the report, the hedge fund also reduced positions in Bank of America (BAC), Goldman Sachs (GS), and JP Morgan Chase (JPM).

Over the past week there has also been talk about the money manager taking on an increased position in Cadbury Plc (CBY), amidst rumors of a potential Kraft Foods (KFT) deal. The fund has acquired a 2.54% stake in the confectioner, and is hoping that Kraft, which launched a hostile $16.2 billion bid for Cadbury on Monday, will have to raise its bid on the deal.

