2009年5月2日 星期六


美國供應管理學會(Institute for Supply Management, 簡稱ISM)週五公佈的數據顯示﹐由於生產和訂購活動升溫﹐美國4月份製造業萎縮速度放緩。4月份ISM製造業指數升至40.1﹐3月份為36.3。該數字已連續15個月低於50, 處於收縮.

ISM之長期趨勢圖(from Bloomberg)


From ISM release:
...The report was issued today by Norbert J. Ore, CPSM, C.P.M., chair of the Institute for SupplyManagement™ Manufacturing Business Survey Committee. "The decline in the manufacturing sector continues to moderate. After six consecutive months below the 40-percent mark, the PMI, driven by the New Orders Index at 47.2 percent, shows a significant improvement. While this is a big step forward,there is still a large gap that must be closed before manufacturing begins to grow once again. The Customers' Inventories Index indicates that channels are paring inventories to acceptable levels afterre porting inventories as 'too high' for eight consecutive months. The prices manufacturers pay for their goods and services continue to decline; however, copper prices have bottomed and are now starting to rise. This is definitely a good start for the second quarter."

