2009年5月27日 星期三


5/26 公佈的3月份Case-Shiller全美房價指數持續下滑, 2009Q1較去年同期下降19.1%, 數字創最大季度跌幅.

3月份美國10大城市房價較去年同期下降18.6%﹐較2月份下降2.1%. 20大城市房價較去年同期下降18.7%﹐較2月份下降2.2%. 數字顯示較上個月的房價跌幅有些微的改善.

從全美範圍來看﹐2009年3月份的房價約回到2002年第四季度的水平. 目前的房價相較2006年第2季的高點已下跌32%.

From Calculated risk :Compares the Case-Shiller Composite 10 NSA index with the Stress Test scenarios from the Treasury (stress test data is estimated from quarterly forecasts).

The Stress Test scenarios use the Composite 10 index and start in December.

Here are the numbers:

Case-Shiller Composite 10 Index, March: 151.41

Stress Test Baseline Scenario,March: 154.82

Stress Test More Adverse Scenario, March: 149.96

It has only been three months, but prices are tracking close to the 'More Adverse' scenario so far.

