2009年6月12日 星期五


wsj report:


美國商務部(Commerce Department)週四公佈﹐5月份零售額上升0.5%﹐升幅低於預期水平。此前接受道瓊斯通訊社(Dow Jones Newswires)調查的經濟學家預計﹐當月零售額上升0.6%。5月份加油站零售額增長3.6%。當月剔除加油站的零售額為增長0.2%。


Bespoke report: Retail Sales By Category: Turning Green Again
Looking at retail sales by category shows the usual suspects taking and losing share. GasStations, Autos, and Furniture continue to see the largest year/year losses in total share of sales, while the necessities (Food, Restaurants,and General Merchandise) continue to gain share. With auto sales now accounting for only 16.3% of total retail sales, the gap between it and its next closest category continues to narrow.

We also looked at the change in retail sales on a month-over-month basis. Unlike the last two months, more categories showed an increase (7) in sales than a decrease (6). However, only four of the thirteen categories showed stronger sales growth than the overall figure, indicating that gains have been concentrated in few sectors. The characteristics of these groups provides a some what mixed picture of the economy. Bears will focus on the increases in gas stations and health and personal care,while bulls can cite the increases in building materials and autos as a signal that the economy is improving.

