2009年6月12日 星期五

High Yield Credit Spreads At Lowest Levels Since Sep.

From Bespoke: High Yield Credit Spreads At Lowest Levels Since September
Spreads on high yield bonds continue to narrow, and at a level of 1,060 basis points (bps) above Treasuries, they are now at their lowest levels since late September according to Merrill Lynch's High Yield Master Index. As shown in the chart below, current levels are still 155 bps above where they were prior to the Lehman bankruptcy. So while many market indicators have worked off much of the panic that was caused by the Lehman, high yield spreads still have some work to do before reaching "pre-Lehman" levels.

依Bespoke 6/9之資料, 依美林之High Yield Master Index, 現今之高收益債利差是自去年9月雷曼倒閉後之最低, 但仍較事件前高了 155bp, 顯示市場要達至破產前的水準還有一些路要走.

