2009年6月2日 星期二

美國5月份PMI at 42.8%

美國供應管理學會(ISM) 6/1公佈的數據顯示﹐由於新訂單增多﹐美國5月份製造業萎縮速度放緩。

From release report

New Orders Growing
Production, Employment and Inventories Contracting
Prices Falling
Supplier Deliveries Faster
....."While employment and inventories continue to decline at a rapid rate and the sector continued to contract during the month, there are signs of improvement. May is the first month of growth in the New Orders Index since November 2007 , with nine of 18 industries reporting growth. New orders are considered a leading indicator, and the index has risen rapidly after bottoming at 23.1 percent in December 2008.

Also, the Customers' Inventories Index remained below 50 percent for the second consecutive month, offering encouragement that supply chains are starting to free themselves of excess inventories as nine industries report their customers' inventories as 'too low'. The prices that manufacturers pay for raw materials and services continued to decline, but at a slower rate than in April." ......


source: bloomberg

在子項目中, 5月份新訂單指數升至51.1﹐4月份為47.2。5月份生產指數升至46.0﹐4月份為40.4。5月份就業指數為34.3﹐4月份為34.4。5月份庫存指數為32.9﹐4月份為33.6。5月份價格指數為43.5﹐4月份為32.0。

Econompic Data 將4月及5月份各子項目的數字藉由圖形呈現, 可更清楚看出各項目的變動情形.

