2009年8月5日 星期三


From wsj:

美國6月份整體建築支出意外回升﹐為過去三個月中第二次上升﹐住房市場出現復甦跡象。美國商務部(Commerce Department)週一公佈﹐經季節性因素調整後﹐6月份整體建築支出較前月上升0.3%﹐折合成年率為9,656.6億美元。5月份整體建築支出經修正後為下滑0.8%﹐初步數據為下滑0.9%。

  • 6月份整體(包含公、私部門) 建築支出 MoM +0.3%、YoY -10.2%
  • 私部門中: 住房建築支出MoM +0.5%、YoY -30%
    非住房建築支出MoM -0.5%、YoY -4.8%
  • 建築支出自2006年開始下滑, 近期跌勢趨緩, 然而非住房建築支出, 如: 商業大樓. 未來在目前建築中之案子結束後,將因新案的遞延或暫緩而使得非住房相關之建築支出呈現新的下跌趨勢.

From the Census Bureau : June 2009 Construction at $965.7 Billion Annual Rate

The U.S. Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce announced today that construction spending during June 2009was estimated at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $965.7 billion, 0.3 percent (±1.4%)* above the revised May estimateof $963.2 billion. The June figure is 10.2 percent (±1.8%) below the June 2008 estimate of $1,075.6 billion.

During the first 6 months of this year, construction spending amounted to $455.6 billion, 11.4 percent (±1.3%) below the$514.4 billion for the same period in 2008.

