2009年8月27日 星期四


Census Bureau 公佈之7月份新屋銷售經季節性調整後月增 9.6%,年化數字為43.3萬幢, 6月份數字經修正後為39.5萬棟.

  • 下圖呈現過去45年來新屋銷售之數字.
  • 新屋銷售在2005年後開始急劇下滑,但目前已較最低點回升32%.
  • 7月新屋銷售數字環比增長了9.6%,為2005年2月以來最大月增幅.
  • 新屋銷售價格中價從2008年7月份的23.73萬美元下降至21.01萬美元,同比下降了12% .

  • 7月份的新屋銷售數字創造了10個月新高,也使得新屋超額供給降到7.5個月,為2007年4月以來的最低.
  • 新屋的庫存及超額供給在此次循環中已經歷其高點,這也使得新屋銷售的最低點已現.
  • 未來在開工及建築許可減緩的情況下,反而有利房屋庫存的去化。
  • 近期房市相關數據都呈現較佳走勢,也反應了房市衰退結束的可能,只是這些數據都是在各項政策下所激勵的,因而未來反彈的速度仍將是較為緩慢的.

The Census Bureau reports:

Sales of new one-family houses in July 2009 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 433,000, according to estimates released jointly today by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This is 9.6percent (±13.4%)* above the revised June rate of 395,000, but is 13.4 percent (±12.9%) below the July 2008 estimate of 500,000.
The median sales price of new houses sold in July 2009 was $210,100; the average sales price was $269,200. The seasonally adjusted estimate of new houses for sale at the end of July was 271,000. This represents a supply of 7.5 months at the current sales rate.

