2009年8月21日 星期五


  • 美國領先經濟指標持續第四個月的上升,7月份上升0.6%,略低於市場先前0.7%之預期,且低於上個月修正後之上升0.8%。

  • 商務部於本月份報告中提出衰退已觸底(bottoming out)且經濟活動將很快開始恢復。

  • 各子項目中較大的正貢獻來自首次申領人數的下降及利差的縮小.

  • 10個項目中有6個項目上升,3個項目仍下滑,1項持平.

  • 同時指標與上月持平,先前該數字已連續8個月下滑.

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index:

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index™ (LEI) for the U.S. increased 0.6 percent, The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index™ (CEI) remained unchanged and The Conference Board Lagging Economic Index™ (LAG) decreased 0.3 percent in July.

After having fallen steadily since reaching a peak in July 2007, The Conference Board LEI forthe U.S. has increased sharply in the last four months, amid widespread strength among its components. As a result, the six-month growth rate in the index has accelerated to its highest rate since the middle of 2004. Meanwhile, the decline in The Conference Board CEI for the U.S. has gradually moderated in recent months. All in all, the behavior of the composite indexes suggests that the recession is bottoming out and that economic activity will likely begin to recover soon....

