2009年8月25日 星期二



From The NY times:

President Obama plans to nominate Ben S. Bernanke to a second term as chairman of the Federal Reserve, administration officials said Monday night.

The nomination, while expected, comes after Mr. Bernanke has had perhaps the most tumultuous term of any Fed chairman, helping to steer the economy through its greatest downturn since the 1930's. Mr. Bernanke is a Republican who was appointed by President George W. Bush.

A top White House official said Mr. Obama had decided to keep Mr. Bernanke at the helm of the Fed because he had been bold and brilliant in his attempts to combat the financial crisis and the current deep economic recession.

"The president thinks that Ben's done a great job as Fed chairman, that he has helped the economy through one of the worst experiences since the Great Depression and that he has essentially been pulling the economy back from the brink of what would have been the second Great Depression,'' an administraiton official said on Monday night.

Mr. Obama will appear with Mr. Bernanke on Tuesday in Martha's Vineyard, where Mr. Obama is vacationing for the week.

