2009年8月15日 星期六


From wsj:


美國聯邦儲備委員會(Federal Reserve, 簡稱Fed)週五公佈﹐美國7月份工業產值較前月增長0.5%﹐工廠開工率也有所提高。經濟學家們此前預計﹐7月份工業產值上升0.6%﹐因克萊斯勒(Chrysler)和通用汽車公司(General Motors)恢復了一度暫停的業務。




  • Industrial production 7月份上升 0.5% .

  • 下圖呈現自1967之產能力利用率. 在過去18個月中有17個月是下降的.
  • 7月份從 68.1%上升至68.5%.
  • 本月增加主要來自汽車相關產業, 受政府"cash for clunkers"計劃之振興.

The Federal Reserve reported:

Industrial production increased 0.5 percent in July. Aside from a hurricane-related rebound in October 2008, the gain in July marked the first monthly increase since December 2007.

Manufacturing output advanced 1.0 percent in July; most of the increase was due to a jump in motor vehicle assemblies from an annual rate of 4.1 million units in June to 5.9 million units in July. Excluding motor vehicles and parts, manufacturing production edged up 0.2 percent.

The output of utilities fell 2.4 percent, reflecting unseasonably mild temperatures in July, and the output of mines increased 0.8 percent. At 96.0 percent of its 2002 average, total industrial production was 13.1 percent below its level of a year earlier. In July, the capacity utilization rate for total industry edged up to 68.5 percent,
a level 12.4 percentage points below its 1972-2008 average.

