2009年4月25日 星期六


The Census Bureau 公佈的報告顯示:3月份新屋銷售( New Home Sales) 經季節性調整後為356,000套, 較2月份上修後的358,000套下跌0.6%(±19.0%) . 相較去年同期的513,000套則下跌了30.6%(±10.7%) .

3月份房價中位數$201,400; 平均房價$258,000. 經季節調整後3月底新屋庫存311,000, 代表在此銷售速度下有10.7個月之超額供給.

According to Calculated risk blog : Although sales were at a March record low, there are positives in this report - especially considering the upward revisions for previous months. It appears the months-of-supply has peak, and there is a reasonable chance that new home sales has bottomed for this cycle - however any recovery in sales will be modest because of the huge overhang of existing homes for sale.

