2009年4月17日 星期五

NAHB: Builder Confidence Increases in April

NAHB( National Association of Home Builders)4/15(三)所公佈的housing market index (HMI) 在連續5個月位於8或9的低點中上升至14.

Press release from the NAHB (added): April Data Suggests Market At or Near Bottom
Builder confidence in the market for newly built, single-family homes rose five points in April to the highest level since October 2008, according to the latest National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI), released today.

This gain was the largest one-month increase recorded since May of 2003, and rings the HMI out of single-digit territory for the first time in six months – to 14. Every component of the HMI reflected the boost, with the biggest gain recorded for sales expectations in the next six months.

“If you’re a potential buyer who’s been sitting on the fence waiting for a sign that now is the time to act, this is it,” said NAHB Chairman Joe Robson, a home builder from Tulsa, Okla. “Some of the most favorable buying conditions in a lifetime are now in place, and they are drawing more consumers back to the market.”

This is a very encouraging sign that we are at or near the bottom of the current housing depression,” said NAHB Chief Economist David Crowe. “With the prime home buying season now underway, builders report that more buyers are responding to the pull of much-improved affordability measures, including low home prices, extremely favorable mortgage rates and the introduction of the $8,000 first-time home buyer tax credit.”

Crowe cautioned, however, that a key issue that still must be addressed is the ngoing lockdown on builder acquisition, development and construction (AD&C) financing. “Restoring health to our nation’s economy will require a substantial housing recovery, and that recovery is contingent on breaking the logjam in AD&C lending that presents an ever-increasing obstacle for home builders,” he said.
NAHB-是根據住宅建築商的調查得出的﹐受訪者對有關當前和近6個月的銷售前景(6個月)的問題作出了回答(包含Single-Family Sales: Present; Single-Family Sales: Next 6 Months; Traffic of Prospective Buyers). 該指數高於50表明看好住宅銷售前景的建築商數量多於持悲觀態度的建築商。該指數已經過季節性波動因素的調整。

