2009年4月9日 星期四

SEC Proposes New Short-Selling Restrictions

From FIN
Just months after removing its restrictions on short-selling financial stocks, the Securities and Exchange Commission has unveiled five proposals to once again restrict short sales.

The regulator, under intense pressure from lawmakers to act, unanimously voted to propose several options for new short-selling rules, including the possible return of the uptick rule, which was abolished two years ago. The move opens a 60-day public comment period on the proposals.

The SEC is considering two approaches to curbing short sales. One set of proposals would impose market-wide restrictions, like the uptick rule, which barred a short sale unless the stock’s most recent trade was higher than its previous price. The other set of rules would only cover stocks whose price was falling fast.

The proposals included the refurbished uptick rule and a modified uptick rule, based on the Nasdaq Stock Market’s old bid test. The SEC also offered three different versions of a “circuit-breaker” rule, which would come into affect if a stock falls by 10% during a trading session, and would remain in effect for the rest of the session. The strictest of the rules would impose an outright ban on short-selling, the others would place either an uptick or bid test restriction.

From 鉅亨網:

第1類提案,類似2007年廢除的大蕭條時期平盤以下禁止放空規定(uptick rule),亦即交易員只能在某股最新收盤價格高於前日價格的情況下,才允許放空。

第2類提案,則類似Nasdaq市場2007年之前採用、專屬於該市場的放空禁令—「出價測試」(bid test)的修正版。這項規定禁止以較國內最高出價低的價格進行放空,適用於不少企業股票。這項放空價格測試限制當時經研究後,發現作用不大,而遭取消。



related news: Others React to SEC Considering Restrictions on Short Sellers

