2009年7月1日 星期三

4月份Case-shiller 指數下跌

6/30 公佈之Case-Shiller 4月份房價指數, 雖然仍是下降, 然而下跌幅度已有所改善.

4月份10大城市指市相較去年同期下跌18.0%, 20大城市則是下跌18.1%. 而該指數於3月份時則分別都下降了18.7%. 從過去3個月來看, 10大城市及20大城市之年下跌幅度已現改善.

該協會主席David M. Blitzer認為:除了指數的下跌趨緩外, 20大城市中有13個城市的年變動率是較3月份有所改善, 雖然只有一個月的資料不足以證明市場可能已出現反轉,不過卻可從中觀察出部份區域已出現止穩的狀況.

目前的房價則是回到2003年中的房價水平. 從4月份的指數觀察,10大城市及20大城市自2006第2季高點至今則分別下跌了33.6%、32.6%.

從同期比較來看, 各區域的房價則下跌幅度不一, 跌幅最大仍屬"陽光地帶": 鳳凰城 -35.3%、拉斯維加斯 -32.2%、洛杉磯 -28.0%..相較之下跌幅最小的如丹佛、達拉斯、波士頓則只下跌了4.9%、 5.0%、7.7%.

S&P/Case-Shiller release-The Pace of Home Price Declines Moderate in April

...although still negative, the annual decline of the 10-City and 20-City Composites improved. The 10-City and 20-City Composites declined 18.0% and 18.1%, respectively, in April compared to the same month in 2008. These are improvements over their returns reported for March, down 18.7% for both indices. For the past three months, the 10-City and 20-City Composites have recorded an improvement in annual returns. Record annual declines were reported for both indices with their respective January data, -19.4% for the 10-City Composite and -19.0% for the 20-City Composite..

The pace of decline in residential real estate slowed in April,” says David M. Blitzer, Chairman of the Index Committee at Standard & Poor’s. “In addition to the 10-City and 20-City Composites, 13 of the 20 metro areas also saw improvement in their annual return compared to that of March. Furthermore, every metro area, except for Charlotte, recorded an improvement in monthly returns over March. While one month’s data cannot determine if a turn around has begun; it seems that some stabilization may be appearing in some of the regions. We are entering the seasonally strong period in the housing market, so it will take some time to determine if a recovery is really here.

“The stock market bottomed in March and measures of consumer confidence have turned upward. This report shows that these better spirits are also appearing in the housing market” Mr. Blitzer commented.

... As of April 2009, average home prices across the United States are at similar levels to where they were in the middle of 2003. From the peak in the second quarter of 2006, the 10-City Composite is down 33.6% and the 20-City Composite is down 32.6%.

