2009年7月28日 星期二


The Census Bureau reports New Home Sales in June :

Sales of new one-family houses in June 2009 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 384,000, according to estimate sreleased jointly today by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This is 11.0 percent (±13.2%)* above the revised May rate of 346,000, but is 21.3 percent (±11.4%) below the June 2008 estimate of 488,000.

The median sales price of new houses sold in June 2009 was $206,200; the average sales price was $276,900. The seasonally adjusted estimate of new houses for sale at the end of June was 281,000. This represents a supply of 8.8 months at the current sales rate.
  • 下圖:追蹤自1963年之新屋銷售與衰退期間之變化, 在05年中達高峰後, 急劇下滑, 目前已見止穩向上的趨勢.
  • 6月新屋銷售數字環比增加11%, 經季節調整後年率為38.4萬幢, 達到2008年11月以來最高水平.
  • 對比2008年6月份, 今年6月份的新屋銷售數量同比減少了21%.

  • 6月份的新屋銷售價格中位數$206,200比去年$224.300下跌了12%. 今年5月份則是$219,000.
  • 6月份新屋待銷售總計28.1萬幢, 較5月份減少了4.1%, 同時也是1998年2月份以來最低點. 相較去年同期減少了36%, 為歷史最大年度跌幅.
  • 依此銷售速率, 6月份的新屋庫存超額供給為8.8個月, 為2007年10月以來最低數字.

