2009年7月17日 星期五


美國住房建築商協會(NAHB) 7/16公佈,7月住房建築商信心指數上漲2點至17點,顯示7月份住房建築商的銷售狀況有所改善,但是依然擔心未來的銷售狀況.

NAHB主席Joe Robson指出:由於首購利息減免、低利及低房價,吸引了購屋者進場,然而展望未來的路仍是充滿著不確定. 在止贖未能減緩及房屋建築信用未恢復前,尚無法見到房市及經濟的真實復甦. 同時,目前就業市場的狀況對潛在購屋者及建商仍是一大隱憂.

NAHB的首席經濟學David Crowe指出:“建築商已意識到經濟復甦將較為緩慢,我們依然面臨一系列很重大的不利因素.”

7月的17點創下了去年9月以來的新高。4年前該指數創下72點的歷史峰值,一年前的該指數為16. 該指數高於50表明看好住宅銷售前景的建築商數量多於持悲觀態度的建築商.

NAHB release:

Builder confidence in the market for newly built, single-family homes notched up two points in July to its highest level since September 2008, according to the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI), released today. The HMI rose two points to 17 in July as builders saw an improvement in current sales conditions but continued to express concerns about the future.

.....“Although today’s HMI is positive news that helps confirm the market is bouncing around a bottom, the gain was entirely contained in the component gauging current sales conditions, while the component gauging sales expectations for the next six months remained virtually flat for a fourth consecutive month,” noted NAHB Chief Economist David Crowe. “Builders recognize the recovery is going to be a slow one and that we are facing a number of substantial negative forces.” ....

