2009年7月2日 星期四

6月份PMI at 44.8%


今年6月份的ISM製造業指數為08年9月份以來最高值, 表明美國製造業狀況仍在持續好轉. 但該值仍低於分界點50%. 表示製造業雖好轉但仍處於萎縮.

在6月ISM製造業指數的子項目中, 生產指數升至52.5%;新訂單指數則回落至50%以下.

此前, 2008年12月份的ISM製造業指數為32.9%, 為歷史最低值. 此次循環中, ISM製造業指數自2008年2月份降至50%以下之後,已連續17個月尚未回升至50%以上.

According to ISM 7/1:
Production Growing
New Orders, Employment and Inventories Contracting
Prices Unchanged
Supplier Deliveries Slower

Economic activity in the manufacturing sector failed to grow in June for the 17th consecutive month, while the overall economy grew for the second consecutive month following seven months of decline, say the nation's supply executives in the latest Manufacturing ISM Report On Business.

The report was issued today by Norbert J. Ore, CPSM, C.P.M., chair of the Institute for Supply Management™ Manufacturing Business Survey Committee. "Manufacturing continues to contract at a slower rate, but the trends in the indexes are encouraging as seven of 18 industries reported growth in June. Most encouraging is the gain in the Production Index, which is up 12.1 percentage points in the last two months to 52.5 percent. Aggressive inventory reduction continues and indications are that the de-stocking cycle is at or near the end in most industries, as the Customers' Inventories Index remained below 50 percent for the third consecutive month. The Prices Index was unchanged from May, indicating that the supply/demand balance is improving. Overall, a slow recovery for manufacturing is forming based on the current trends in the ISM data."

