2009年7月18日 星期六


The Census Bureau report on housing Permits, Starts and Completions.

Building Permits:
Privately-owned housing units authorized by building permits in June were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 563,000. This is 8.7 percent (±3.0%) above the revised May rate of 518,000, but is 52.0 percent (±3.6%) below the June 2008 estimate of 1,174,000.Single-family authorizations in June were at a rate of 430,000; this is 5.9 percent (±1.4%) above the revised May figure of 406,000. Authorizations of units in buildings with five units or more were at a rate of 109,000 in June.

Housing Starts:
Privately-owned housing starts in June were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 582,000. This is 3.6 percent (±11.3%)* above the revised May estimate of 562,000, but is 46.0 percent (±4.3%) below the June 2008 rate of 1,078,000. Single-family housing starts in June were at a rate of 470,000; this is 14.4 percent (±11.8%) above the revised May figure of 411,000. The June rate for units in buildings with five units or more was 101,000.

  • 下圖:新屋開工從07年至今每月的變動情況
  • 6月份582,000為去年12月來最大之成長幅度

    • 下圖:新屋開工至1959年之趨勢圖,歷史新低點是在今年的4月的47.9萬棟.
    • 因目前的房屋庫存仍居於高位, 因而預期未來無論新屋開工或建築許可申請都將是疲弱的成長

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    ..... 報告表明,6月份的多戶式住宅開工數量仍然非常疲軟。

    ....... 商務部警告稱,其每月公佈的新屋開建數據較為波動,可能因為采樣規模及其他會計錯誤等原因出現誤差。在大多數時候,政府並不能確定實際新屋開建數字是增加抑或是減少。政府通常會在報告中對以前公佈的數據進行修正。

