2009年7月15日 星期三

Global finacial crisis timeline

2008金融風暴發生後,各國政府紛紛實施了各項不同政策。 NY Fed 以時間線方式整理了二個互動式圖表:一個是從2007年6月開始,主要針對美國;另一個則主要聚焦於G7,資料期間始於2008年9月。二個圖表呈現了這段期間以來各國政府的各種應對措施,此外並可連結當時重要的相關新聞資訊. 此圖表於每個月月初進行更新. 可透過此查看.


The New York Fed’s timelines of policy responses to the global financial crisis

Over the past two years, and particularly since the intensification of the global financial crisis in the fall of 2008, new information has been released at a stunning pace. Between the breaking developments in the market and the vast array of policy responses both domestic and abroad, it has become increasingly challenging to understand the complex and evolving response to the crisis. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has produced several timelines to illustrate how events have unfolded. In both timelines, each event entry contains a link that takes you to the original government announcement or a recent news source for additional information.

Domestic Timeline
The domestic timeline begins in June 2007, showing the lead-up to and development of the crisis as well as subsequent government responses. The timeline is divided into three sections: Federal Reserve policy actions, other policy actions, and market events. It provides an overview of the major turning points and shows how policy has responded to evolving market conditions.

Financial Turmoil Timeline
Click on graph for full information

International Timeline
The international timeline focuses on G-7 responses to the crisis since September 2008. It organizes announcements into four general categories: bank liability guarantees, liquidity and rescue interventions, unconventional monetary policy, and other market interventions. The entries are color-coded to allow you to follow the developments of each country individually.

International Responses to the Crisis Timeline
Click on graph for full information

VOX added : What can we learn from these tools?

