2009年9月2日 星期三


根據NAR公佈之資料,美國7月份成屋銷售簽約指數上升3.2%,指數從6月份的94.6上升至97.6。且為連續第六個月上升。若相較於去年同期,則指數上升12%. 目 前指數是自2007年6月的100.7以來最高水平。

NAR的首席經濟學家Lawrence Yun指出,"房市很明顯的已脫離谷底,復甦的情況並擴散到全國各區,在政府對首購者的刺激方案下,房價的負擔能力並達今年新高".

NAR預估約有180萬至200萬的首次購屋者,受惠於政府$8,000美元的首購稅賦減免. 此優惠需於今年11/30前完成交易方能享有.

From the NAR: Pending Home Sales on a Record Roll
Contract activity for pending home sales has risen for six straight months, a pattern not seen in the history of the index since it began in 2001, according to the National Association of Realtors®.

The Pending Home Sales Index,1 a forward-looking indicator based on contracts signed in July, increased 3.2 percent to 97.6 from a reading of 94.6 in June, and is 12.0 percent higher than July 2008 when it was 87.1. The index is at the highest level since June 2007 when it was 100.7

