2009年9月17日 星期四

9月份NAHB index at 19

由美國全國住房建築商協會(National Association of Home Builders, NAHB)所公佈﹐9月份住房市場信心指數較8月份上升1點﹐至19﹐這是該指數今年來第六次上升﹐只是該指數仍是位於相當低的水平.

先前政府針對首購的8,000稅賦減免及低利率環境, 確實對於房市起了助益, 然而目前建商擔心即將於11月到期的稅賦優惠, 將對於好不容易見到些微曙光的房市再造成衝擊.

Press release from the NAHB : Builder Confidence Edges Up Again In September Builder Confidence Edges Up Again In September

Builder confidence in the market for newly built, single-family homes edged higher for a third consecutive month in September, according to the latest National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI), released today. The HMI rose one point to 19 this month, its highest level since May of 2008.

“Builders are seeing some improvement in buyer demand as a result of the first-time home buyer tax credit, and low mortgage rates and strong housing affordability have also helped to revive some optimism,” noted Joe Robson, chairman of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and a home builder from Tulsa, Okla. “However, the window is now basically closed for being able to start a new home that can be completed in time for buyers to take advantage of the tax credit before it expires at the end of November, and builders are concerned about what will keep the market moving once the credit is gone. Congress needs to act now to keep the credit from expiring just as its intended effect on buyer demand is starting to materialize.”

“Today’s report indicates that builders are starting to see some glimmers of light at the end of the tunnel in terms of improving sales activity,” said NAHB Chief Economist David Crowe. “However, the fact that the HMI component gauging sales expectations for the next six months slipped backward this month is a sign of their awareness that this is a very fragile recovery period and several major hurdles remain that could stifle the positive momentum. Those hurdles include the impending expiration of the $8,000 tax credit as well as the critical lack of credit for housing production loans and continuing problems with low appraisals that are sinking one quarter of all new-home sales. These concerns need to be addressed if we are to embark on a sustained housing recovery that will help bolster economic growth.”

