2009年9月26日 星期六


  • 由美國商務部公佈的8月份新屋銷售增長0.7%(±16.2%),年化數字為42.9萬幢,與上個月修正後的42.6萬幢近乎持平,相較過去4個月強勁的銷售數字,8月份的增幅減緩。
  • 8月新屋銷售數字較去年同期減少了3.4%。
  • 新屋銷售價格中值比7月份下降了9.5%,較去年同期價格中值下降,價格的下降將可能提高消費者的購房支付能力。

  • 8月份的新屋庫存量較7月減少了3%,總數降至26.2萬幢,是17年以來最小庫存量。
  • 依此銷售速度,8月份的新屋庫存量需要7.3個月才能售完,為2007年1月以來最低庫存/銷售比率。
  • 相較去年同期,今年8月份的新屋庫存數字下降36%,為歷史最大年度跌幅。

U.S. Census Bureau release:

Sales of new one-family houses in August 2009 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 429,000, according to estimates released jointly today by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This is 0.7 percent (±16.2%)* above the revised July rate of 426,000, but is 3.4 percent (±13.3%)* below the August 2008 estimate of 444,000.

The median sales price of new houses sold in August 2009 was $195,200; the average sales price was $256,800. The seasonally adjusted estimate of new houses for sale at the end of August was 262,000. This represents a supply of 7.3 months at the current sales rate.

