2009年9月12日 星期六


From OECD:
OECD composite leading indicators (CLIs) for July 2009 show stronger signs of recovery in most of the OECD economies. Clear signals of recovery are now visible in all major seven economies, in particular in France and Italy, as well as in China, India and Russia. The signs from Brazil, where a trough is emerging, are also more encouraging than in last month’s assessment.The CLI for the OECD area increased by 1.5 point in July 2009 and was 1.9 point lower than in July 2008.

From wsj:

經濟合作與發展組織(Economic Cooperation and Development, 簡稱OECD)週五公佈的數據顯示﹐越來越清晰的跡象顯示全球經濟正在復甦﹐主要發達國家和主要發展中心國家均在擺脫經濟滑坡局面。

衡量OECD 30個成員經濟體經濟活動的領先指標7月份升至97.8﹐6月份為96.3。OECD表示﹐上述指標表明經濟出現普遍復甦。


