2009年9月18日 星期五


  • 美國8月份新屋開工及建築許可分別較上個月上升1.5%、2.7%,數據增幅雖不若預期,但仍顯示溫和的成長.

  • 8月份新屋開工折合成年率為598,000套,較去年同期下降29.6%; 8月份建築許可折合成年率為579,000套,較去年同期仍下降32.4%。

  • 新屋開工仍處於一相當低之水平,展望未來,因為市場中新屋庫存仍處於高水位,因而開工及許可數據的回升將有賴餘屋有效降低、就業市場及個人所得有所改善,方能推升此數據明顯上升。

U.S Census Bureau report:


Privately-owned housing units authorized by building permits in August were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 579,000. This is 2.7 percent (±1.2%) above the revised July rate of 564,000, but is 32.4 percent (±1.3%) below the
August 2008
estimate of 857,000. Single-family authorizations in August were at a rate of 462,000; this is 0.2 percent (±1.1%)* below the revised July figure of 463,000. Authorizations of units in buildings with five units or more were at a rate of 98,000 in August.


Privately-owned housing starts in August were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 598,000. This is 1.5 percent (±7.9%)* abovethe revised July estimate of 589,000, but is 29.6 percent (±6.0%) below the August 2008 rate of 849,000. Single-family housing starts in August were at a rate of 479,000; this is 3.0 percent (±5.7%)* below the revised July figure of 494,000. The August rate for units in buildings with five units or more was 115,000.

